Tiger Woods accident

Tiger Woods got in a car accident because he was speeding and ran his car into a tree and got really  hurt. And he went to the  hospital. Now he is at home recovering from his injury. We won’t know if he will play again because of how bad his injury was. I really hope he feels better. He was my favorite golf player. So what do you think will happen? Will he retire or will he keep playing? The police were on scene and so was the ambulance. There were no charges pressed on him. His kid and wife were worried about him and now they have to take care of him when they should not. It was all the Tiger Woods’ fault for speeding. So the family should not take care of him. Why would the family take care of Tiger Woods when it was his fault. should police press charges on him for speeding? He should not be allowed to drive if he keeps speeding, and suspends his driver license.       

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